Academic work, or just Academies, called art schools in the drawings of the students, representing the head, arms, legs and the whole human body in various positions. These drawings are made or from nature, or from plaster models, or with other drawings, and as these latter, and gypsum samples are also called A.
On the other hand, the teacher needs to know about the difficulties entailed in training activities of students and which were discussed in the previous Chapter. Exercise, especially if they are creatively linked to the phenomenon that in psychology and pedagogy is called knowledge transfer. The essence of this phenomenon lies in the fact that in the process of academic work students she has learned to tolerate mental operations and skills to another material, i.e. to apply them in other contexts. The same knowledge is not written where they can be applied. Having learned on the basis of specific examples and facts, different rules, a student is not always easy operate they when this rule should be applied in a new, not previously encountered situations, or use it to explain new phenomena and facts. In this regard, H. A. Mencin sky emphasized that relatively easy for students based on the analysis of examples and facts necessary to make theoretical conclusions, to formulate rules and much more difficult to apply these findings to the explanation of new examples and facts. The last one occurs during the consolidation of the acquired material.
This situation leads to a certain logic and order of the school consolidation of the material. The first training exercise on the application of new knowledge in practice, as a rule, should begin with the presentation of the teacher. In the study, for example, on Russian themes "Difficult words and their education," the teacher turning to the consolidation of the material, initially gives students easier tasks and shows how it should be performed. The performance of these tasks tends to be reproducing in nature, as the course of action of the students is already set by the teacher. Then as you gain skills exercises become more complicated. They must contain a certain novelty and require from students a thoughtful and creative approach to the application of knowledge. In this case, the teacher invites students to explain on the basis of studied writing rules such as, for example, words like "one voice, two - ateenyi, durable, sound", etc. After that the students themselves come up with compound words by writing them in their notebooks and making appropriate explanations about their education. Further exercises can be even more complicated. The teacher can give the number of pairs of words and ask the students to form from them the difficult words and then define them in the basics, the roots and connective vowels.