The gas containing solid contaminants enters the lower part of the discharge funnel or into the side part of the housing of the filter cloth, where, under the influence of a drop in the gas flow rate, the first separation of coarse dust particles occurs. Further, the polluted air flows upward to vertically suspended filter slits through which it passes into the clean gas chamber, and then exits the filter cloth.
On the outer surface of the filter hoses, dust particles are trapped and form a continuous dust layer, which is regularly eliminated by pulsation regeneration. The regeneration itself is carried out by short pulsations of compressed air, which is injected into the interior of the hoses from the holes of the flushing tube through the Venturi tube. Under the influence of pulsations of compressed air on the inner side of the hose, a precipitated dust layer is detached from the outer surface of the hose. Dust gradually falls into the discharge funnel, and from there through the airtight seal is taken away for the space of the cloth filter.
The frequency and length of pulsations of compressed air are provided by diaphragm valves, which are controlled by a control unit via solenoid valves. Due to the loss of pressure in the fabric filter or the hard time mode, the regeneration process is controlled so that there is no excessive increase in pressure loss and that there is a constant layer of dust on the filter hoses, the so-called "filter press cake", which increases the filtering effect of the filter cloth.
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
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